Expressive Arts: Therapy, Consulting, Education
"Finding  Our  Way  Back  Home"

Suzanne S. Rancourt, EXAT,
M.S., M.F.A., CAGS, AWA, Drug and Alcohol Counselor
CASAC-P #40369


Helping Hands 518,  Wilton Mall, 3065 Route 50, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
(across from Home Goods)

Expressive Arts Therapy (EXAT) is a wholistic, non- invasive, participatory approach to wellness. If you are feeling frustrated with westernized recovery methods, perhaps it’s time to try the EXAT approach. 

Specializing in Traumatic Brain Injury, PTSD, drug and alcohol recovery, and other significant life altering events, multi-model artist, Suzanne S. Rancourt applies neuro-cognitive methods that emphasize the strengths and resources working in your life now.  
Suzanne brings sound developmental and cognitive theories into the practical application of daily living.  

Using various art making modalities i.e. writing, music, bibliotherapy, photography, movement, folk arts, or the natural environment, 
participants experience the subtleties of change that occur during the art making experience.  

Finding our way home through the process of the art making honors and respects each individual person, our unique experiences, and 
our personal readiness to create change.  

An EXAT session lasts 60 minutes determined by participant’s needs. 
A series of four is suggested as each session builds upon the other and is person centered i.e. directed by the needs and goals of the participant.  

A working artist in her own right, Suzanne continues to create with a phenomenally diverse clientele in equally diverse environments. 
 She holds degrees and certificates in psychology, drug and alcohol recovery, creative writing, Aikido, Iaido, and more. 
Suzanne is a tribally affiliated Native American and USMC and Army Veteran. 

Suzanne abides by all state and federal confidentiality and professional ethics laws 
as prescribed by OASAS, EXAT, and Biblio / Poetry Therapy Codes of Ethics.   


Insurances are excepted as are payment plans. 
 No one in sincere need of services is turned away.

It is the responsibility of the interested  participant to communicate 
with Suzanne pertaining to services and fees. 
One 90 mins session $125.
Four prepaid 90 mins sessions $425.
One 60 mins session $125.
Four prepaid 60 mins sessions $400.  
Three 90 mins Reiki sessions PLUS 
Three 60 mins EXAT sessions $555.

Suzanne S. Rancourt has been a Traditional Usui System of Reiki Teaching Master since May 10, 1994. 
Initiated by Penelope Jewell (who was responsible for bringing Reiki to the entire Northeast,) 
Suzanne’s Reiki lineage is as follows: 
Penelope Jewell, Linda Keiser Mardis, Phyllis Furumoto, Ethal Lombardi, Hawayo Takata, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Dr. Mikao Usui.

Traditional Usui System of Reiki is a non-invasive, non-manipulative form of Japanese energy work where the Practitioner places their hands on a recipient in specific locations of the recipients front and back. The word Reiki translates to Universal Lifeforce Energy.  Traditional Usui System of Reiki is not “psychic healing.” 
The Practitioner is a “hollow bone” for the one way flow of Universal Lifeforce Energy to be received by the recipient. 

1. Do I have to get undressed for a treatment?  No. The recipient remains fully clothed and is covered with a light blanket for the duration of the treatment. 

2. Do I have to remove any of my jewelry? No. Metal does not interfere with the Traditional Usui System of Reiki.

3. I take medication. Will Reiki interfere with my meds? No. Traditional Usui System of Reiki works harmoniously with the recipient and their medical / medication(s) regime. 

4. Is Reiki some kind of religion? Do I have to “believe” in anything for Reiki to work?  Traditional Usui System of Reiki is not a religion of any kind. The recipient is not required to “believe” in anything.  

5. I’m in a wheel chair and can’t get onto a table and even if I could, lying down is painful. Can I still get a Reiki treatment?  Yes. A full treatment can be given in any position. 

6. Does Reiki use stones and crystals or other funny stuff? No.  Traditional Usui System of Reiki is just Reiki as it has been taught from Teaching Master to Teaching Master. 

7. Is Reiki safe while I’m pregnant? Absolutely beneficial.

8. So, what should I expect? How long is a treatment? How do I know it’s doing anything?
Traditional Usui System of Reiki works subtly. The recipient often relaxes into a light sleep feeling heat, and/or sensations. They may experience emotions or memories or, a deep sleep where they awaken revitalized. With each treatment the recipient’s whole body and mind functions with greater efficiency.

9.  Do I have to relive or remember my trauma event? Absolutely not. You simply need to desire feeling better.  

Suzanne is an Expressive Arts Therapist and provides counseling support when needed. 
 One on one time before and after each treatment is included.

To schedule an appointment call 518.470.3078 or email: [email protected]

Contact Us
A responsible, holistic, alternative treatment for drug & alcohol recovery, PTSD, reintegration, TBI, trauma resiliency and growth.  
CV & DD214 available upon request