Expressive Arts: Therapy, Consulting, Education
"Finding Our Way Back Home"
Expressive Arts Therapy is a non- invasive, participatory approach to wellness.
Using various “art making” modalities, participants experience the subtleties of change that
occur during the Journey of the Art Making Process. Finding Our Way Back Home
through the process of the art making, honors and respects each individual person, our unique
experiences, and our personal readiness to create change regardless of one's race, religion,
age, gender identification or sexual orientation. "We are human beings." - Suzanne S. Rancourt
A multimodal artist, Suzanne Rancourt applies neuro-
cognitive methods that emphasize the strengths and resources working in
your life now. Suzanne brings sound developmental and cognitive
theories into the practical application of daily living. Specializing in the terrains
of Traumatic Brain Injury, Post Traumatic Stress, and other significant life altering
events, Suzanne continues to create with a phenomenally diverse clientele
in equally diverse environments. An artist in her own right, Suzanne is a
tribally affiliated Native American and Military Veteran.
Suzanne Rancourt, Expressive Arts Therapist
M.S., M.F.A., CAGS, AWA, Drug and Alcohol Counselor
CASAC-P #40369
Professionally insured. CV, credentials,
DD214 available upon request.
All EXAT services can be conducted using the Zoom platform. Hybrid combinations are equally possible.
COVID precautions are in place for in person experiences. i.e. wearing masks, hand sanitization and more.
Still concerned?
Please, ask questions.